
Made 4 Math Monday: Equation Wheels

I actually saw this idea on Pinterest and there wasn't really an electronic version. So of course I made my own...and there's still not an electronic version. lol It's just easier to write it than to try to type it in a wheel.

The yellow wheel is One-Step Equations and the pink is Two-Step Equations. There is an equation on each spoke of the wheel and the answer to the equation is on a clothes pin.

On the back of each clothes pin is a symbol and on the back of each spoke is a different set of symbols. I used this in summer school for 7th graders and they worked together, taking turns solving equations and matching the answer to the equation.

Of course if they get an answer that is not on a clothes pin or if that clothes pin is already clipped somewhere, it's time to discuss and rework some problems.

When the wheel is complete, students turn it over and I give them the answer key to check the symbols.

Here is the file for blank wheels, as this could definitely be used for many concepts. If you figure out an easy way to type in the wheel, let me know. :)


  1. This is great! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks! I didn't really consider that easy but thank you for taking the time to do that.

    Clever name by the way. :)

  3. What are the symbols for?

    1. So they can check the answers. See the third picture above.

  4. Funny way of presenting graphics Equations it´s like playing games and learning at the same time. Keep it up. thanks for sharing

  5. Funny way of presenting graphics Equations it´s like playing games and learning at the same time. Keep it up. thanks for sharing

  6. I love this. Cannot wait to use this in my class.

  7. this is awesome
