
Made 4 Math: INB Carts and Syllabus

I'm going INB crazy in all four of my preps this year! So to stay organized and keep things running smoothly, I've set up my groups of four desks with their own INB cart.

I printed out labels for each drawer and each cart has a tape dispenser and a baby trash can on top. The cart has calculators, dry erase markers, erasers, and white boards, scissors, colored paper, glue sticks, tape, glue sponge, post-it flags, highlighters, markers, colored pencils, rulers, measuring tapes, compass, protractors, notebook paper, index cards, baby staplers, and geomirrors. In that order.

Next is my syllabus and INB information sheet that I heavily borrowed from Sarah Rubin's post. This will be printed front to back and folded with the INB part facing out so students can tape it in their INB. Then on the RHP, they will reflect on it using Sarah's 'high-five' idea. I should probably mention that I am attempting a "Left Hand Learning" and "Right Hand Reflecting" format.

Here are the pictures so you can see my pretty fonts:

And here is the file so you can edit it yourself. I used a ton of fonts that I'm not going to list here. When you click in the text box, the name of the font shows up. Then google it and download it. Takes like 45 seconds. Or just change them to your favorite fonts. I hate even posting the file because it looks so jankety. Just go back and look at my pretty pictures. =)

And these are my baskets for finished quizzes and tests. I love this because I have so many who don't finish and I get random piles over my desk. Bazinga!

And the file.


  1. How is the syllabus gonna work with being taped in front to back? Having trouble visualizing how it will be taped in without a part of the syllabus not being seen. :)

  2. This is my first time hearing of the "left hand learning," " right hand reflection" format for INBs. Love the alliteration. I'm in the process of laying mine out and may have to use that. Thanks for sharing. And those supply carts are awesome!

    1. I always love a good alliteration as well. I don't know how well it will work out but I'm going to try!

    2. I haven't ever tried doing the left hand, right hand thing...was planning to try for the first time this year. I usually just go from one topic to the next. Hoping that having students reflect on their notes and interact with them will be helpful for students.

  3. LOVE the finished/more time baskets! My students definitely need these!
