
#TMC17 Talk Less, Smile More {Matt Baker, Chris Luzniak}

Talk Less, Smile More
Matt Baker and Chris Luzniak


Chalk Talk- writing answers to questions silently, +1 next to ideas you like

-What is thinking? How do you "see" student thinking?
-What are your concerns with facilitating discussions?
-What does your ideal classroom look like?

Use structure and routine to build safety and to lower defense mechanisms.

Talking Points- three rounds of agreeing or disagreeing, taking turns justifying answers without responding in time
See: http://cheesemonkeysf.blogspot.com/2014/07/tmc14-gwwg-talking-points-activity.html?m=1

-How does changing agree/degree/unsure to always/sometime/never change or enhance the conversation?
-Do you want to add the words always or never or leave statements ambiguous?
-Working to actively not respond while listening
-Tally whole class responses and call on people to explain the argument, even if it wasn't their argument

Soapbox Debate- stand up and share your opinion

Debate has two parts:
argument = claim + warrant

Saying 'my warrant' makes opinions sound more formal and less personal so it feels safer. 'Because' and 'I feel' makes it feel like your answers HAVE to be correct. Using fancy words like claim, warrant, concur, on the contrary etc makes students wants to say something.

All speakers stand up and all eyes and knees toward speaker.

Mistake Finding- use student work to ask students to debate the BEST mistake

Circle Debate- summarize what you heard, then make your claim + warrant

Point Counter-Point- you have to give the opposite claim of the person who went before you

Use 'would you rather' questions about different ways to solve problems.

In geometry, rename two-column proofs 'claim' and 'warrant'.

Debate and justification spill over into group work and other courses.

Use estimation180 in Desmos AB with median to split the class and cause debate.

There are so many nuances in our word choice, body language, and movement.
See Creating Cultures of Thinking: The 8 Forces We Must Master to Truly Transform Our Schools
See Intentional Talk: How to Structure and Lead Productive Mathematical Discussions

Help lower the stakes by making an effort to speak to each student in some way, every day.

Give kids a safety net with a 'life happens' pass to throw out an assignment or to not call on them that day.

To avoid cold calling:
-Have students debate in groups first, then give a 'group' claim.
-Tell quiet students the day before that you are going to cold call them so they can be prepare
-Give question stems for structure
-Have students write in different pen colors to ask questions if they don't want to speak out loud
-Share any positive contributions from quiet students to show they are valued
-Start with things students can't get working, opinions

See Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

Use Which One Doesn't Belong for debate.

Assessment question: current content answer is between what two integers.

Table Debates- a deck of cards about current content where Team A always debates one side and Team B always debates the opposite. Great for: systems of equations, sin/cos/tan, composite area, geometric/arithmetic sequence, classifying numbers, distance formula vs Pythagorean theorem

Add debate-y words to math problems to make it debateable:
Which number is most important or has the most influence?
What is the weirdest way to solve?
What's the easiest mistake to make?
How much information can be taken away before it can't be solved?
Hide a number.
Compare student work.

Some factual things within one answer can be debateable based on the misconceptions of the students.

Add layers of debate on things you already like and use! (I need this reminder for my whole life!!!!)

Rumors- answer questions on index card, find a partner and spend 90 seconds sharing and discuss, trade cards and find new partners, repeat, trade cards and find new partners (use for homework answers, characteristics/transformations of functions, WODB, estimation180,

See alled.org Rhonda Bondie

Ways to spice things up!
-visually random groupings
-vertical non-permanent surfaces
-clothesline math
-mistake game (good questions should lead them to the answer, don't just add ? to a statement)
-Socratic seminar

Great Debate Project- three day project, two days of prep, one day to present, groups are assigned, choose roles, use math as evidence

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