
Algebra 1 Unit 3: Equations and Inequalities

Unit 3: Equations and Inequalities

Pg 25-26 I'm still using Engage NY curriculum at this point but I made this sorting activity on my own to go in the INB. There is a problem to solve and then the solution set in three different forms: number line, in words, in set notation.

Pg 27-28 These two inequality foldables are modified from Sarah Hagan. I added no solution and all real numbers to the left side foldable.

Page 29-30 I've never taught ZPP as a stand alone lesson but it went over really well. I used Washi tape below to separate the problems, it's not actually a highlighter.

Page 31-32 Another lesson I've never thought about teaching is variables in the denominator but it naturally followed the zero product property. I used this powerpoint to make a huge deal out of NEVER DIVIDING BY ZERO. I even made little pictures for them to tape in their notebook but I forgot to tape mine in! I even made posters.

Page 33-34 Literal equations aren't that fun to teach and I don't really have any comments to make.

Here are the files:


Geometry Unit 4: Triangles Interactive Notebook

Pg 39- This page was inspired by this idea. I realized afterward that there was really no point in folding them since I wanted students to label the sides.

Pg 40 This page came straight from Kuta which I highly recommend purchasing if you haven't already.

Pg 41 I don't remember where I found this but I made a handout that describes two different ways to draw an equilateral triangle. I make students try both and then they pick one to put in their notebook.

Pg 42 Although this was pretty much pointless we did some folding of fake money to find different equilateral shapes and when we unfolded, we highlight the equilateral triangle. At the bottom I found these equilateral formulas and we use the top three.

Pg 43 I love Math Open Ref's Constructions Tutorials. They show the compass moving step by step as well as giving written directions. We watch it first. They try it and I keep the tutorial running on auto-repeat. Then they cut out one out and write their own directions in their notebook. We did angle bisectors and perpendicular bisectors.

 Pg 44 I made this foldable from old handouts and we highlighted and worked out the problems.

Pg 45-46 Constructions of medians and altitudes.

Pg 47 We first used these triangles for this investigation. I used this Geogebra applet to change the dimensions of the triangles. Students recorded the data and noticed the pattern. Then they practiced on this in their notebook.

Pg 48 We used color coded skewers to build triangles and make some observations a la the Triangle Inequality Theorem.

Pg 49-50 I wrapped up the unit with this since it will lead nicely into our next unit on Congruent Triangles. We followed up this with a practice worksheet modified from here.

Here are the files:


ICTM Session: Assessment in the Common Core Era

If the meaning of a grade is to show understanding of math, then...

The power to change is not our alone. We are a distant third. Parents are ultimately responsible for their child's education. At the middle school level, he gives homework and posts all work and solutions. HW is not graded but is recorded and students are expected to Check, Correct, and Reflect. They copy four random hw problems onto a form where he has already copied the work and solutions on back. They must check, correct their mistakes, and write a reflection statement on what they understand or don't. Homework solutions are posted for parents to see.

The most powerful thing you can do in your district is establish a consistent vision of assessment. Not identical practices but a consistent vision that is both valid and reliable.

There is no correlation between participation and understanding. You can have someone who answers all the time and understands nothing and someone who never speaks and understands everything. Completion grades measure effort, which is valuable but it does not measure understanding. It's formative, not summative.

Any assessment that leaves your room is no assessment at all. Homework, when given the correct work and solutions, is no longer a valid measure of understanding but of the ability to copy. What happens if you don't do the homework? Nothing! Natural consequences will follow. Record homework completion rates and write them on their tests. Ask if they notice any correlation. Homework should not take more than 20 minutes. After that point, stop. Math homework shouldn't cause family friction!

Quit giving zeroes for cheating or late work. Late work does not affect understanding. It's an organizational or life skill but not a measure of understanding math. Giving a zero for cheating still doesn't tell you what they understand. Make them take it again.

Quit giving "pop" quizzes. Have you ever heard of a "pop" basketball game? Give a practice quiz instead of a pop quiz. Prior knowledge test > pre-test.

You need a preponderance of data points. He uses quizzes, tests, quarter project, quarter exam, and mastery tasks which are application problems. Students are given a pre-test of every unit and a preview of the quarter exam. Are your assessments valid and reliable? Every Common Core standard is either conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, or application. Are you assessing what the standard is asking for? If it is enrichment or below grade level then it is not addressing the standard according to the "focus" of the CC.

Presented by Mr. Eric Bright (files)


Geometry Unit 3: Angles and Lines Interactive Notebook

Unit 3: Angles and Lines

I'm thinking maybe this should be my first unit next year but who knows what I will decide!

Page 31 comes from here.

Page 32 is a modified version of this with a missing piece I notice.

Page 33-34 These next two pages are flashcards from Sarah Rubin. I used them before INBs and I still love them just the same. The students used color better than I did here.

Page 37-38 These last two pages are two of my favorite. I took problems from a Kuta worksheet that were all different types of missing angles problems. We highlighted the important parts of each type of triangle problem and then worked them out.

Here are the files:


Geometry Unit 2: Logic Interactive Notebook

Unit 2: Logic

I'm pretty sure I didn't get any of these pages from anyone else but if so, please let me know. I am happy to give them credit.

I started this unit with a discovery lesson from Sam Shah. This foldable basically summed that up.

Pg 22 I made the students number them before cutting which means I should put the numbers on them for next year. I heart sorting!

I call this a syllogism sort. I still love sorting! Then had students write the final conclusion at the bottom.

I'm debating the usefulness of this for next year, especially since we do Visual Patterns every week but for now, here it is.

Here are the files: