My first annual Edublog Awards Nomination Ballot:
And my nominees are:
Best individual blog:Dy/Dan
Best individual tweeter: @jerridkruse
Best group blog: Sup Teach?
Best new blog: Sweeney Math
Best class blog: Collaboration Nation
Best resource sharing blog: I Love Math
Most influential blog post:The Comprehensive Math Assessment Resource
Best teacher blog: f(t)
Best librarian / library blog: Educating Esme
Best educational use of a virtual world: EDTECH Retreat
Lifetime achievement: Paul Bogush
Step 1: Write a post on your blog linking to:
- The Edublog Awards Homepage
- The blogs & sites that you want to nominate (must be linked to!)
You can nominate for as many categories as you like, but only one nomination per category, and not yourself
You can nominate a blog (or site) for more than one category)
Step 2: Email us the link to your nomination post
Use the form on the Edublog Awards page to contact them, please include a genuine email address (spam free, just to confirm identity) and the link to your nominations post.
So this is it huh?! Looks like it's kind of a big thing. Well, good luck to the nominees.