I just finished my geometry unit on proofs and at the last minute I decided to create a rubric that really detailed how I would grade the proofs. It's still not exactly what I wanted because I look at several examples and grade holistically and the wording is more for one specific proof, but you should still get the picture.
Hi there! I have an idea for your next blog post. I'm in high school preparing for college and know I want to be a high school teacher. I just don't exactly know what subject. I have been following you blog though :) Could you explain how you decided to be a math teacher and what you like/dislike about your job?
ReplyDeleteThanks much for all of your posts! I enjoy reading your blog!
Hi Elissa! I stumbled on your blog recently as I begin to prepare to teach Geometry. I am very interested in seeing your Grading Proofs Rubric but it doesn't seem to be loading. Am also curious about the Mental Math Mondays.
ReplyDeleteMental Math Monday link http://misscalculate.blogspot.com/2015/08/bell-ringers-20.html
DeleteProof Rubric https://app.box.com/s/r3r4t1x49ykgwtls0mq5hvcwbxzv2s23