What do you know about College Preparatory Math?
I am the only algebra and geometry teacher at a small school and I am only in my second year of teaching. I have been creating my lessons every night on my own, loosely based on common core standards and the textbook. Except I hate textbooks. I am working with an instructional coach for the first time and so I feel like other parts of my teaching are improving and I'd like to improve my curriculum as well. I'm intrigued by CPM, College Preparatory Math, and I just have some questions that I would love to have answered by teachers that are using this curriculum already. Thank you in advance for answering any of these questions and any feedback at all is much appreciated!
- What were your first impressions with CPM and how have they changed over time?
- How complicated was CPM to implement?
- What changes did you see in your classroom dynamic and student behavior after starting CPM? What has the student response been to CPM?
- Is CPM recommended for a range of ability levels, from remedial to gifted?
- Does it seem strange to you that CPM homework assignments are based on past concepts instead of current concepts? How does that work for you?
- When assessing, do your tests include questions from the lesson and the homework? Did you or do you implement team testing and individual tests?
- In your opinion, do students stay actively engaged? Is the material appropriately challenging?
- Do students learn to better think, problem solve, and reason?
- Do students take notes in addition to the work they do in class, as a team, with partners, or on their own?
- Have you seen an improvement in state/benchmark test scores in a single year or over time? (I hate to ask this but it is something my administration is very focused on this year and while I do not want to teach only 'to the test', I would be doing a disservice to my students to ignore it.)
- Are students learning and retaining information any more/better with CPM than with a previous curriculum?
- Overall, what do you think about CPM and what else do I need to know?