
#TMC16 My Favorites

My favorites is probably the best PD strategy I've ever seen: let teacher's sign up to share something short or medium that is their favorite. It's great for people who can't think of a whole session to present.

{Hedge} SnagIt: 1) Capture student thinking (parent buy in) 2) How to videos 3) Editing tool
Fuse App: transfer your mobile content to full TechSmith products over the same wifi connection, document camera http://bit.ly/HedgesStuff

{Debbie Boden} Ms. Pac Man Transformations by Robert Kaplinsky

{Sam Shah} Explore (or have your Ss explore it) at explore-math.weebly.com

{David Wees} It takes time to create good questions. We ask over 2.5 million questions throughout our career. You've already asked a lot but you still have a lot of time and thousands of questions to left ask.

{Connie Haugneland} Mission Trips to Rawanda to share teaching strategies from #mtbos with schools who have limited to no resources.

{Jonathon Schoolcraft} Use Plickers for checks for understanding at the end of class and for WODB

{Anna Blinstein} Flipped Classroom (Feedback Meetings) Creating Cultures of Thinking book bit.ly/29Lf9hm 20 minutes meetings every two weeks; singles, pairs, or triads; you or student takes notes; discuss assignments of past two weeks; later sessions incorporate overall progress in the course and how they've incorporated past feedback

{Dave Slabol} Maps and Math Splitting up cities into NFL zones with perpendicular bisectors; Geogebra or pencil/paper

{Joel Bezaire} The Math Game With The Lame Name variable analysis.info

{Greg Taylor} Turn popular songs into math songs. 1. Videos exist already. 2. Have students write lyrics. 3. Do it yourself.

{Jonathon Claydon} Varsity Math- t-shirts, stickers, lazer tag

{Heather Kohn} Engineering Design Process; Doing math in an engineering framework;

{Edmund Harris} Second math coloring book comes out November 29th with two lesson plans

{Sara Vaughn} Plug in your sharpener out in the hallway. Students come in pre-sharpened. Students in other classes stop by to sharpen. The noise is no longer a distraction. Kids who mess with it get caught on camera.

{Brian Miller} Blog past by karimkai "On Purpose" 'conversations that matter- use math to understand concepts that make them better citizens

{Denis Sheeran} I See Math gigs is.com Make Google presentation, white background, default text
Slide 1. Title Slide 2. Picture Slide 3. Vague Guiding Questions We're used to seeing math. Shared folder tinyurl.com/ISeeMath

Smarty Pins Game smartypins.withgoogle.com Mixes maps and trivia

{Tom Hall} We do a disservice to our students when we don't admit we could do better. We expect students to admit failure but how often do we?

{Amy Zimmer} Culture Setting Icebreaker
1. Groups of 3
2. One piece of paper and one writing utensil
3. Determine oldest to youngest
4. Youngest- scribe, next-time keeper, next- make everyone introduce themselves, eldest- reporter
5. Collectively determine a favorite book, movie, game
6. Popcorn the list and massage the answers
7. Have reporter introduce group and favorite book, movie, game

{Max Ray-Riek} Triangle Congruence using Transformations
Games to work through triangle congruence shortcuts.

{Sue Van Huttum} book

{Jeremy Bloch} Learning about Coding in Math Class, Bootstrap algebraic video game programming, Bootstrap 1 builds on coding, Bootstrap 2 is coding from scratch

{Glenn Waddell} Make a decision to live outside your comfort zone and face your fears. You can't face your fears once and beat them; you have to keep facing them regularly. Fear is what keeps us separated.

{Kathryn Belmonte} Students use post-it's to write positive  notes in a gallery walk for INB assignments. Giving students a audience for their work increases the level of work they produce.

1. Ask students for nominations.
2. Display nominated work on the document camera.
3. The nomination must give a reason for the nomination.
*Any nominee can accept or decline.

{Megan Schmidt} we are all hard on ourselves and we need to be cognizant of that in people of all professions.

{Hannah Mesick} Write upcoming birthdays on a birthday board; give 5 bonus points for any assignment; use a Happy Birthday chair cover and write a dry erase message; use birthdays as an analogy for function mapping to determine the difference between functions and relations.

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