
Bell Ringer Update

 It's time for my annual bell ringer giant powerpoint update! {See the originalversion 2, and version 3version 4version 5, version 6}

I also made the first slide link to every Monday slide so that you can jump ahead to the correct week of school if needed.

Newer versions since version 6:

Mental Math Monday: Mental math middle school level problems

Tough Guess Tuesday: pictures from estimation180.com to guess how many

Which One Wednesday: Four pictures where students decide which one does not belong

Think Squares Thursday: Simplifying square roots

Factoring Friday: two factoring problems that cycle through the types
  • GCF 
  • Four Term 
  • Four Term with GCF 
  • Trinomial a = 1 
  • Trinomial a = 1 with GCF 
  • Trinomial a > 1
  • Trinomial a > 1 with GCF 
  • Difference of Two Squares 
  • Difference of Two Squares with GCF 
  • Mixed (last 6 Friday slides)
Since 20-21, I pretty much do the same thing every year but change the pictures for Tuesday and Thursday. I have the same students 

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