
First Days 2019-2020

Day 1

This year we started on a Tuesday with full class periods. I started with letting them choose their own seats and giving them a brag bracelet. I explain the Remind app, tell them to follow my IG account, and tell them they need a composition notebook.

From there I attempted to hack the marshmallow challenge. I did this bout 7 years but really liked Mylene's hack.

My execution did not go near as well as the structures. I didn't even get to my favorite part of the post: "It is my job to learn the tiny things that make huge differences in people’s ability to learn."

But I fed them so they were happy.

Last but not least, I made a 15 question quiz about me where all of the answers are numbers. I had a powerpoint with the answers, including pictures, and it was a hit.

Day 2

Wednesday was Notebook Set Up Day and I tried something new: rotating stations. Usually I go through things one step at a time, wait for everyone to finish, go to the next step. Stations let people work at their own pace, force them to read directions, and save my sanity.

Day 3

I left everything out because freshmen and sophomores didn't quit get finished. Also FYI, my 10th-12th grade have done this before and know what it should like. Since 9th grade doesn't, I put out my own notebooks at each station for students to look at as an example. I still had to answer questions but over all it went smoothly. I just walked around picking up trash and reorganizing piles. Once they were finished, I gave them a blank 10 question multiple choice template to make a quiz about themselves for me to take.

It was SO much fun. I really enjoyed it and they were dying to know how many I got right. My highest score was a 9 and my lowest was a 0. I probably got 4 right the most often. I also made them tell me the right answers to the ones I missed. 10/10 recommend.

Day 4

We started with joining Google classroom and taking a first days survey. Then they went to Delta Math to create an account or join my class. They started working on their first Delta Math assignment. I give class time for the first assignment only and then they have a new assignment each week to complete on their own time. I assign 4 topics with 5 questions each and no penalties.

Day 5

Today I gave them calculator strips and a calculator handout to practice using the TI-84s. Once they finished the handout, they checked their answers with my key. When the class as a whole finished, we played a Kahoot. In the past I've given a quiz but this year decided to turn it into a Kahoot.

Day 6

Next we go over Bell Ringer Tips and Factoring Review. With 10th-12th graders, we reviewed all 5 types of factoring. With 9th grade, we only did GCF. I do Factoring Friday bell ringers every Friday so I taught them the first type only. We'll do that for about 4 weeks and then switch to a new type which is when I will also teach them the next type in their notebook.

Once this is finished we will take our End of Course Exam (as a pre-test thing) and then jump to our first section of notes.

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