How it all began...
samjshah FAVOURITE TWEETS #8 this shorter favorite tweets is dedicated to @dcox21 who composed 29 of these tweets
dcox21 @samjshah I'd like to dedicate my performance to my children. Without them, I'm not nearly as funny.
dcox21 @samjshah Also @paquette6 for without her, my children wouldn't be possible. And a special shoutout to #5: Daddy's gonna keep you, baby.
jybuell @dcox21 @samjshah Yo David, I'm happy for u and I'm a let u finish, but @k8nowak had one of the best tweets of all time!
dcox21 @jybuell @samjshah @mctownsley @thinkthankthunk Yeah, what a diva. #jilted
samjshah okay anyone out there want to take over the favorite tweets list when i'm away and not regularly on twitter (until july 23rd)? or a few ppl?
ThinkThankThunk @samjshah I don't have enough followers, make @k8nowak do it
jreulbach @samjshah I tried t make a fav tweets post. #fail. It looked terrible. Check my blig to see it. noob needs a tutorial.
jybuell @samjshah @mctownsley @thinkthankthunk Shawn only follows like 3 people so his fav tweets are prolly brief
misscalcul8 @samjshah @jybuell @jreulbach @dcox21 @ThinkThankThunk @CmonMattTHINK @k8nowak I'll do it
k8nowak @misscalcul8 Thank you for jumping on that grenade for us.
samjshah @misscalcul8 oooh good. i was just about to write a blog post seeing if anyone wanted to *jump on that grenade* (@k8nowak, you curmudgeon)
k8nowak @misscalcul8 I just noticed that you can go to someone's profile and look at the tweets they favorited. I can help that way if you like.
misscalcul8 @k8nowak Good thinking. Any tips you want to offer @samjshah ? How often, how many, level of funny, etc?
CardsChic @misscalcul8 @k8nowak @samjshah You mean there are RULES for this thing? Dang complicated...
samjshah @misscalcul8 i have no guidelines. whatever strikes you as interesting/funny/cute/snarky - whatever. your favorites! my only advice is...
samjshah @misscalcul8 just post whatever you want! don't feel like you have to get everything, or worried about missing anything.
samjshah @misscalcul8 would you mind me copying your favorite tweet's blog posts from your site to mine so i have a complete set? i'd def link/credit
misscalcul8 @samjshah Well of course you can...this is your brainchild, I'm just baby-sitting
jybuell @misscalcul8 @samjshah @jreulbach @dcox21 @ThinkThankThunk @CmonMattTHINK @k8nowak hooray! I'm playing my vuvuzela right now in celebration
k8nowak Today I learned the shocking truth about my colleagues' volume estimation abilities.
jybuell Whenever I finish a blog post I always realize I could have said everything in 25% of the word count. Explains why I never actually post
jybuell ok. It's taken me 90 minutes so far to watch a 24 minute video. #attentionproblems #twitternothelping
misscalcul8 For some reason my Google Analytics is showing only 1 visit in the past month and 0 in the month before. Not showing any statistics. Help?
jybuell @misscalcul8 Did you change your theme? You probably need to re-add the script.
misscalcul8 @jybuell So there's no data after Oct 9th of last year. Is all of that data lost now or will it catch up? Am I basically starting over?
jybuell @misscalcul8 lost.
misscalcul8 @jybuell Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggghhhhh. Why didn't I know this before?
jybuell @misscalcul8 because you're a teacher and not a professional blogger?
misscalcul8 @jybuell Ugh.
jybuell @misscalcul8 we can just take a poll. I read it. There's one. Who else?
k8nowak @misscalcul8 @jybuell This is why change is bad. Fear change. (I probably have the same problem - first theme change in ever.)
misscalcul8 @k8nowak But the blog gods have allowed you to learn from my mistake so you can fix yours. You blog god hog
jybuell @k8nowak ok. So one of those books. Like if we all had unicorns tutoring our kids this would work.
park_star @k8nowak @jybuell you mean Pearson doesn't supply unicorn tutors in the US? That really explains a lot.
samjshah @k8nowak i think what @park_star meant to say was: "i'll make fun of [all those myriad people] who say otherwise on twitter." right? RIGHT?
park_star @jybuell @k8nowak for right now they are playing nice, but I'm pretty sure they're going to take over the world
samjshah @park_star this is how i divide up the body. different cuts go for different prices.
samjshah @k8nowak i charge between $90 and $125 and hour for people. With a horn, double that.
k8nowak @samjshah @park_star Seriously - basic unicorn skills. She got an F in jumping over rainbows and a D in sparkling.
samjshah @Fouss unicorns actually don't die when you cut them up. they might hurt a lot, but they don't die, until the horn detaches from the head.
park_star @k8nowak have you checked that's she's for real? sounds like somebody's horse taped a cone to their head...
samjshah @Fouss so it fits in with my morality. it's okay if it hurts like hell, as long as it doesn't die.
samjshah @k8nowak she could still be developing. did she at least get a passing grade (C or higher, say) in shimmering-at-a-distance?
jybuell @samjshah how in the world did you have a unicorn parts pic handy? U continue to confuse and astound me.
Fouss @jybuell But if you would've asked me who would have (or could find) a unicorn parts picture, @samjshah would be the first to come to mind.
jybuell @Fouss no doubt. Now I know I can use Sam for 1. fav tweet 2. shared blog posts 3. image search
samjshah @jybuell do you want me to spoil the magic of my internet saavy? naaay. (unless you really do, in which case i can...)
Fouss @jybuell And he's really good at finding videos on Youtube that perfectly describe a situation, too.
samjshah @Fouss what's becoming clearer and clearer to me now is that i need to spend less time on the internet and more doing 3D world things.
jybuell @samjshah I prefer to keep my sense of wonder and amazement. It definitely involves oompa loompas though.
jessicahagy Puppy with three legs, hippity-hopping along like a rock star = A hero for us all.
CmonMattTHINK Before the internet you had no idea how many people had already come up with the same clever pun as you just did. #darnit
jybuell @thenerdyteacher congrats. You're the first person to ever put ISTE and fashion in the same tweet.
thenerdyteacher Exactly how many Cardigans are too many for ISTE? #ISTEFashion
tgwynn @thenerdyteacher If your Mister Rogers, you will need two for each day. One to wear in, and one to change into while you sing #ISTEFashion
thenerdyteacher Will 5 brunch ascots be enough? #ISTEFashion
thenerdyteacher What color bow tie do you were with sheepskin chaps? #ISTEFashion
thenerdyteacher How man zippers are acceptable on a leather jacket at the convention center? #ISTEFashion
amandacdykes @thenerdyteacher depends on whether the jacket is black or red #ISTEFashion
thenerdyteacher What color shoes go with a paisley cummerbund? #ISTEFashion
thenerdyteacher How many sequins are allowed on a pair of gloves before they become distracting to a presenter? #ISTEFashion #HandTalker
thenerdyteacher Where can one where a unitard at #ISTE? Not for me, it's for a friend. *cough cough @kylepace cough cough* #ISTEFashion
thenerdyteacher Is face painting in the season? #ISTEFashion Thinking I might get that blue bear on my cheek.
thenerdyteacher Sweet, just remembered where I stored my collection of mesh crop tops! Look out Denver! #ISTEFashion
McTeach Um, better bring my sunglasses! RT @thenerdyteacher: Sweet, just remembered where I stored my collection of mesh crop tops! #ISTEFashion
thenerdyteacher Need some bleach later to make my jeans awesome for #ISTE Heck Ya! #ISTEFashion
thenerdyteacher Anybody have a Hypercolor shirt I could borrow for the weekend? #ISTEFashion
thenerdyteacher Mental Note: Need to dig out my Zebra print turtleneck for Denver. #ISTEFashion
thenerdyteacher @amandacdykes - What feather boas are you bringing to Denver? It would be awkward if we wore the same ones. #ISTEFashion
thenerdyteacher @tgwynn - That's what I figured. I was thinking a need drinking attire as well. Suggestion? #ISTEFashion Parachute pants perhaps?
tgwynn @thenerdyteacher Those will look best when we bust out the Ninja Rap over a pint. @amandacdykes will lead. #ISTEFashion
tgwynn I better go throw my Keds in the washer so they are neon white for ISTE. #ISTEfashion
thenerdyteacher So I decided to go with only 3 pairs of leg warmers. #ISTEFashion
weemooseus @thenerdyteacher I think everyone following the #ISTEFashion should get a vuvuzela to announce your arrival.
misscalcul8 Deleting inactive people I /was/ following. Kept deleting til I got an even number. Yup, go ahead and look- 188. Tweet it up or get cut off.
stevejmoore Listening to the Batman Begins soundtrack makes me feel like I'm in a Batcave planning to save the world and not tweeting in a basement.
samjshah i strongly suspect that the audience for my latest blog post is about... 1.
samjshah wait... no... 2, if you include me.
rjallain someone remind me not to feed the trolls. Ever again
jbrtva @misscalcul8 I have my alg 1 concepts list on my blog....I'd link but I'm in my phone. Will be making alg 2 lust in July
druinok @jbrtva I know you are on phone and typos happen, but I just had to laugh out loud for that typo :)
k8nowak Alg2/Trig conversion chart is up. Is it too early to start drinking?
MoxieMan13 @k8nowak Hell no.
teachforever09 @k8nowak Not if it's coffee.
dcox21 @k8nowak You mean your students didn't do do well on 675 different standards? Hmmm. Imagine that.
schwa044 up at 615. Job Interviews are nerve racking. But really, who wouldn't love me.
jybuell Went to get bagel out of toaster oven. It was still on a plate. I think I need more sleep
ThinkThankThunk It's a girl!
jybuell @ThinkThankThunk Congrats!
jybuell @ThinkThankThunk possible names: Leia, Amidala, Arwen, or Eowyn
druinok Holy crap!!! A car just drove through the window at my friend's workplace!!! WOW!
ThinkThankThunk If @jybuell is Salt, I must be Peppa. New Post about summatives:
jybuell @ThinkThankThunk darn it. I thought I invented the strike-through joke!
k8nowak @ThinkThankThunk @jybuell Can I be Spinderella? PLLEEEEASE?!
ThinkThankThunk @k8nowak I was hoping beyond hope that you'd want to. I know you NY people are busy, what with your tall buildings and fancy regent's exams
jybuell @k8nowak @ThinkThankThunk done and done. Sam is def the guy with the blonde high top fade.
k8nowak @jybuell Woww. I miss dramatically asymmetrical hairdos. Those need to come back. I don't know if @samjshah is down with backup dancer tho.
k8nowak @jybuell @samjshah @thinkthankthunk I am totally qualified, btw. Behold, Halloween '07.
dcox21 @k8nowak @thinkthankthunk @jybuell Don't Push It, Kate. #sorrycouldnthelpmyself
dcox21 @k8nowak @thinkthankthunk @jybuell No, you can be Left Eye. #oopswronggroup
misscalcul8 Ugh SBG I just want to be doing you already!
joshgiesbrecht @misscalcul8 Reason to lock tweets #62: without prior acronym context, students may be seriously disturbed when they misread your posts.
jybuell @misscalcul8 wow. totally inappropriate out of context tweet FTW!
pronetolaughter I'm generally pretty good at jury-rigging crap, but you know what is tough to finagle a substitute for? Lubricating eyedrops.
jybuell @dcox21 assessment. Do I blog about anything else? Just trying to get the right soft skills frame is tough
dcox21 @jybuell @rileylark I'm working on one about creating a questioning classroom culture. Geting input from students.
samjshah @dcox21 @jybuell you guys are stressing me out! mine is going to be ... underwhelming ... if it gets written ... if i have a topic.
jybuell @samjshah @dcox21 Kate is already done! Overachiever. I bet she turns it in with a clear plastic folder and uses glitter glue in the title.
samjshah @dcox21 i know - what was i thinking? i should stop agreeing to do things. like, all things. seriously. what was i thinking?
sarcasymptote @jybuell thanks. also, somehow missed prev tweet over my name being anagram for THE TRIG ORGY. best discovery i had in a long time.
k8nowak Packing for four weeks makes me really really really really really really really really miss my Kindle.
samjshah @Mrs_Fuller i loved that idea so much. sad i'll forget in 2 secs bc i have the worst memory.
k8nowak @samjshah @Mrs_Fuller That was mine, dude. *blush*
Mrs_Fuller @samjshah @k8nowak Hey! I read that blog! It was awesome! (Write it down, Sam!)
druinok @samjshah @Mrs_Fuller I read that blog too - danged if I remember where though :( I even thought about it this week when we saw a wreck!
dcox21 @samjshah @mrs_fuller That post was written by an up-and-comer. Probably not in your reader yet. I think the blog's called f(t).
dcox21 @samjshah Right up there with some crazy run-on Continuous Everywhere..., ah heck, I forget how the rest goes.
PersidaB @dcox21 earlier you mentioned being an admin. Now a PhD. You might be trying to tell yourself something... just saying.
jybuell Seriously. If u read that post and don't feel something, just unfollow me. Our relationship just isn't going to work out
k8nowak I wish there was a report card comment to choose that said "Grades would improve if %Student_Name smoked less weed."
approx_normal Random comment just made by my 7 year old: "Momma, if Daddy gets a new girlfriend, I'd still rather live with you."#notsurewhattosaytothat
jybuell @ThinkThankThunk I just noticed @dcox21 used the strike through joke on his last post. His property. Seniorty-based union rules
dcox21 @jybuell @thinkthankthunk Yeah, had nothing to so with mine being funnier.
rjallain dear parents at the pool: If I keep having to remove your 6 year old from climbing on me - maybe you should say "don't climb the bald man"
park_star .@hjnaidu loves the new Nickleback song #whothehelldidimarry
park_star @jybuell you thought WRONG. please don't ever think that again, we might have to stop being friends
jybuell @park_star hmm...What about Celine Dion and Alannis Morisette? #misconceptionsshattering
jybuell @park_star I think this is an excellent time 2 pull out "But what about your unborn child?" Serious damage could occur w extended nickeback.
k8nowak After decades of normalcy, my mom has started answering the phone "mmmyelllow?" It's adorable.
samjshah I too am going to go to bed now. xoxo, gossip girl. I mean, Davey Coxeter.
k8nowak slept like a baby rock.
jreulbach @k8nowak I just saw your assessment video. Thank you very much. That will be so helpful when I am explaining to my school.
JackieB @k8nowak On an off I have, yep. What changes have you made to your grading/assessment? Btw, I like your Cusak-ish voice.
jybuell My 4 y/o: "I want to do a disco naked dance! I love dancing naked" #timetostarthomeschooling
jreulbach @jybuell my 5yo googled "boobies" after one week of Kindergarten. #notasfunnyasyouwouldthink
NancyW RT @datruss: RT @brittanyingle: I love how Twitter looks boring from the outside, but it’s like freaking Narnia on the inside.
thenerdyteacher At the tweetup. People have torsos! Amazing!
druinok Too funny - been together for 14 years and hubs just realized that sister isn't a natural blonde LOL
thenerdyteacher Just lost an hour in flight. Time travel is cool, but I would still prefer to do it in a Delorean. :-)
thenerdyteacher It's a rare moment when I don't feel like the nerdiest person in the room. #ISTE10
k8nowak Franny Day 2, Morning walk fail: Scared the crap out of a homeless man and ate a chicken bone. #fb
nicolerelyea RT @shitmydadsays: Don’t focus on the 1 guy who hates you. You don’t go to the park & set your picnic down next to the only pile of dog shit.
jybuell On a cleaning break. In my swim trunks bc I'm cleaning the shower. At least that's how I clean the shower.
datadiva Ouch. Data presenter just said "I'm an English teacher not a data person".
datadiva yes that was me snorting in the back of the room when I read this tweet: RT @jybuell: I'm a math person, I can't read.
Cohenism You know what we could use more of? Homemade music videos for Fireflies - Owl City. We just need like 2,000 more and we're good.
datadiva RT @Jon_Peltier: Cambridge, MA clerk to custmr w/ full cart in express: You a Harvard student who can't count or MIT student who can't read?
stuffheknows Try "under-reacting" to everything. You'll find it angers those around you just the same, without the effort on your part.
mdsteele47 You know what would make this day complete? A massive head injury
stuffheknows So, most people at the mall decline a challenge to arm wrestle #ThoughtThereWouldBeMoreTakers #wimps
samjshah i'm wearing my "i only twitter with math teachers" shirt. was asked by organizers to give a 5-10 min talk about twitter/blogs. GIVE ME IDEAS
JackieB @samjshah I have full confidence that you can talk about Twitter & Blogs for at least 5 mins w/o help. Have a little faith in yourself.
samjshah @JackieB i was thinking i could pull example responses from ppl for evidence. i can def talk for 5 minutes on blogs/twitter.
JackieB @samjshah Then I wasn't very helpful, was I? Sorry. Can you use that as an example of encouragement? :-)
samjshah @JackieB encouragement? that was like "you stupidhead, why are you so stupid, stupidhead?" jkjkjkjkjkjk heartz
samjshah @k8nowak i was going to end the presentation with a jbeebs song. it's about fractions and stuff, so it's okay..
JackieB @samjshah I have been told, more than once, that I need to work on the tone I use. I apologize.
samjshah @JackieB i was really joking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nix on my banter! HEARTZ!
dcox21 @samjshah @jackieb Hope you're proud of yourself Coxeter. Now you've gone and hurt Jackie's feelings.
park_star LAST DAY OF WORK TOMORROW! Maybe now I'll get caught up on all the blogging/commenting I've been thinking about. Or I'll sit in the sun...
samjshah @samjshah @park_star ummmm lady is actually last. Stupid fingers on a stupid touch. Ha but I do like lady day!
park_star @samjshah lady day is pretty great. so is last day :) going to have to celebrate with a slurpee or fake beer though
k8nowak I just realized I missed celebrating 2pi day. Darnit.
pvnotp @k8nowak Not 2pi day - tau day!
Mrs_Fuller @k8nowak No biggie -- I think 2pi day is only statistically significant for trig teachers :)
mdsteele47 I f'ing swear, if one more person's incompetence impacts this meeting, I'm painting my face w cream cheese & going Braveheart thru the bldg.
jybuell I screened my sperm for giftedness. Take that NY Ed! NYTimes: New Gifted Testing in New York May Begin at Age 3
dnielsenmoore I start every day thinking I can do anything, and end it thinking I can't. Correlation to coffee intake?
hemantmehta I also met @JackieB and she looks remarkably similar to her profile pic. (It's a green drawing, I swear!)
colleenk @JackieB @PersidaB @hemantmehta etc How close did you get to solving all of math ed's problems? Any progress with fractions?
hemantmehta @colleenk All of math ed's problems have been solved. @JackieB, @PersidaB, and I are going to become English teachers.
hemantmehta 5 kids from the school I work at got perfect scores on the April ACT. Despite teaching 0 of them, I can take full credit for this, right?
SweenWSweens Hey everyone. Just letting you know I still exist. How's everything in the twitterverse?
samjshah @SweenWSweens ZOMG i just today was thinking "where's the squirm?!"
SweenWSweens @samjshah Lol, I wasn't aware I had a nickname in your head. Also, just realized missed out on my first favorite tweets post(#8) NOOOOOO!!!
jybuell @SweenWSweens an. We already divided your stuff up. I got the Hall & Oates collection and your Fresh Prince DVDs
SweenWSweens @jybuell Not the fresh prince DVDs! What about my autographed Ricky Martin life sized cardboard cutout?
jybuell @samjshah seriously tho, I'm super inspired. I think even Kate would give u a hug, which btw, should be some sort of standard scale
ddmeyer This pic unlocks the Recollection Most Likely To Make Me Laugh Explosively At Inappropriate Times achievement badge.
stuffheknows If you play golf in Mexico do you yell "Quatro?"
jreulbach OMG - Someone found Ms. Cookie!!! This is why I can't take breaks from Twitter!!!
jreulbach @jybuell @druinok @MTMambo @Fouss Oh no, thought. Are we going to kill Ms. Cookie's productivity now?? We CANNOT have that. #cookiefan
Fouss @jreulbach @druinok @jybuell @mtmambo Maybe we'll just help it! Or maybe we'll scare her off with our excitement. :)
jreulbach @Fouss or #stwalkers
jybuell @Fouss lol.I'm going to tease u mercilessly on the future for calling Kate and Dan celebrities
Fouss @jreulbach LOL. I'm close to 35, so I know what you mean. There's a lot of young pups around here!
jreulbach @Fouss Yeah, @misscalcu8 was like SEVEN when I got married. Lol!
CarissaJuneK @Fouss @jreulbach I was trying to convince fellow grad students today that everyone on here wasn't my age or younger!
Fouss @CarissaJuneK and? :)
CarissaJuneK @Fouss @jreulbach my professor then made a comment about how I wasn't that young...#dontagemebeforeim30
Fouss @CarissaJuneK Nope, there are some of us old fogies around, too :)
jreulbach @CarissaJuneK @Fouss ummmm.....creepy professor? LOL!
Fouss @CarissaJuneK It's all perspective. I'd say you're young. :)
CarissaJuneK @Fouss @jreulbach well then they started making fun of me "I am sending a tweet", "now I am listening to prof", ugh, they don't get it!
jreulbach @Fouss @msgregson I actually don't mind getting old. I just hate looking old. Oh, and not being able to SEE wo glasses. #vain
msgregson @jreulbach @Fouss woooooah, i was the one that said there were no fogies on here. @Fouss is the one that threw you under the bus.
Mrs_LHenry @jreulbach Almost 40 is _not old_ or at least I keep telling myself that. #turning40thisyear
jreulbach @Mrs_LHenry: with you. #turning40inJan
msgregson @Fouss oh i do have your back, but @jreulbach lives 45 min away ... you live 8 hours away. she might come get me!
jreulbach @Fouss can't. Dr. said it is like hitting a moving target. #oldpeoplearefarsighted
jreulbach @msgregson @Fouss Ok, enough OLD talk. I'm starting to FEEL old. Glad @samjshah isn't here to mark this shit for his fav tweets.
CardsChic @jreulbach I really wasn't going to say anything in this conversation, but you swearing made me laugh so hard I had to tell you that. ;)
jreulbach @CardsChic I know - I was like, "oh no, I just swore on twitter!" #thingsoldpeoplecangetawaywith
misscalcul8 @Fouss @jreulbach You guys were in middle/high school when I was BORN. Ha
jreulbach @misscalcul8 I am totally getting the nose twitching connection now. #witchywoman. @msgregson @Fouss
JenAnsbach What does Nick Cannon actually do?
misscalcul8 Ladies: shopping help. or ?
dcox21 @misscalcul8 Neither. Pay off your credit card. :-)
misscalcul8 @dcox21 Ugh I know. I've already been mini-lectured. Thanks dad.
dcox21 @misscalcul8 Just here to help. You know, my wife's on Twitter now. Don't make me turn her loose on you.
k8nowak @misscalcul8 @dcox21 yells at me to go to bed sometimes. I don't think he can help it.
dcox21 @k8nowak @misscalcul8 Don't make me come over there.
misscalcul8 @k8nowak I guess after 5 kids it just comes naturally...and apparently so do the babies lol
dcox21 @misscalcul8 @k8nowak You realize that was a public reply, right?
misscalcul8 @dcox21 Sorry dad
dcox21 @misscalcul8 It's alright. Now get those bills paid before we have a "come to Jesus" talk.
misscalcul8 @dcox21 I have car payment, insurance, cell phone, 2 credit cards, and 4 student loans. I do have bills. Ugh. I pay Jesus too
dansmath oh, that's how "Jesus saves" - @misscalcul8 pays him! ;-}
jybuell @dcox21 @k8nowak @misscalcul8 I u guys don't stop fighting I'm turning the car around right now.
druinok ugh - gotta get up like at DAWN tomorrow - icky!!! #spoiledbysummer
jessicahagy It's my birthday. Cheeseballs for breakfast!
JackieB I'd really like something to /not/ go wrong today. Thank you.
SweenWSweens Hit every single light green(12++) on the way home. So awesome! Wcydwt @ddmeyer?
jreulbach let me just start by saying that I just fled from a party to tweet and I have had too many margaritas. Excuse all future tweets startingnow
jreulbach Ok, startig to feel better. so, i escaped the party via a golf cart. lol! #neverhappiertobehome . sorry IRL friends. thanks @samjshah
samjshah with that note, i go to utah for 5 days and suddenly the whole world is skyping? god i hate my voice and my face. #byebyepseudoanonymity
jreulbach @mathblows No fun. Having fun NOW that I escaped from the party. Wonder how long it will take for DH to discover that I am "MIA"?
jreulbach @park_star did you miss the tweet where i just escaped from my whole fam and neighbohood? it's ok, I've had margarita and won't memeber it
jreulbach So, y'all know I'm in big trouble when they discover I'm missing from the party. LOL!
jreulbach @samjshah Dude - we already heard your voice, #itisover #justskypealready
jreulbach @Mrs_Fuller Promise I own't remember.
Mrs_Fuller @jreulbach wow, you've had quite a day! And been much entertainment value :) Tx!
jreulbach Not that I don
jreulbach don't really love y'all, but how sad is it that I left a IRL party to come and tweet?? #addictedtotwitter @druinok
jreulbach @Mrs_Fuller yeah, that can't be good. #gonnaregretthisintheam
Mrs_Fuller @jreulbach No regrets. You didn't puke on our floors or break a vase or insult anyone's grandma--totally safe here!
jreulbach @Mrs_Fuller lololol!! puke in a vase. I am so dying laughing at that one. Im old enough to stp bf puking (unless I am out dancing) #diva
jreulbach @samjshah Oh, but you would see me. #imfunnylookingrightnow
Mrs_Fuller @jreulbach joys of aging: professional partier vs. amateur :) Repeat after me: #nomoreshots
jreulbach Just got the call from DH bc he noticed I am missing.
jreulbach Fam is home. Night Tweeps!!!
jreulbach I'm baaaaackkkk! LOL!
Mrs_LHenry @jreulbach Fam all in bed now?
jreulbach @Mrs_LHenry Yes. DH was so outta sorts but good. I would have KILLED him if he left me at a party with kids and food. LOL!
jreulbach zzzz....
samjshah @misscalcul8 i am so excited you're culling the tweets!!! i can't wait... i've missed so much.
misscalcul8 @samjshah I've been quite sneaky as well. ;)
jreulbach @misscalcul8 @samjshah Yikes. This is one week where I DON'T want to make the fav tweets list. lol!
misscalcul8 Just got a speeding ticket. Another reason I will never get out of debt.
dcox21 @misscalcul8 That's it. You're grounded.
misscalcul8 @schwa044 age aint nothin but a number
misscalcul8 @dcox21 I'm gonna need an advance on that allowance. Baby #5 said I could have his.
dcox21 @misscalcul8 He gets paid in Cheerios. Is that gonna work for you?
misscalcul8 @dcox21 Well baby #5 IS pretty special. Bet I can sell them on ebay. The cheerios, not #5.
pvnotp @misscalcul8 I know a guy that beat a speeding ticket by using trigonometry to show that radar guns are inaccurate from the cops position.
pvnotp @misscalcul8 And they say math isn't useful in real life!
wmcneary I really don't see why the BP spill should be a problem for oysters, shrimp, or crawfish. They have shells. (via @RepJackKimble)
7.4.10 Happy Fourth of July!
ddmeyer "I need these signed pronto!" Surprise a faraway friend with forms granting you power of attorney! Show you care.
samjshah today i walked in a parade with math geeks! i held a tesselation, and marched in front of a GIANT (say, 10' x 10') hypercube. yes, it was 4D
samjshah okay, you got me, it was only 3D.
schwa044 working on post for riley's conference. when writing with topic feels like school work. no longer enjoy it. BLAH!
sarcasymptote @schwa044 ugh. i know. ive started and restarted mine 17 times already. or maybe its hard because my soft skill is being a jackass.
dcox21 @sarcasymptote @schwa044 You took my soft skill?!
restonkid @hemantmehta as many math departments will stop teaching factoring as English departments will stop teaching close reading.
hemantmehta @restonkid HEY! Factoring is totally useful. It separates adults who can't do it from adults i want to breed with :)
SweenWSweens Ran out of Sweeney Swagger early this mornin
dcox21 @SweenWSweens You need to buy a Sienna.
dcox21 I let you sleep on me during nap time and this is how you repay me? Wait 'till I'm 85.
JamiDanielle @dcox21 Can you believe I actually survived two sons without that infamous accident occurring
jybuell @JamiDanielle David would answer you right now but clearly he needs to change his clothes.
dcox21 @JamiDanielle I've got 5 boys. I'm like @shareski but with pee.
jybuell One of the models for turnaround listed is the "school closure model" Yeah. That's one way to turn a school around.
ThinkThankThunk @jybuell Where's the give-the-kids-the-keys-and-some handguns model?
ThinkThankThunk or burn it to the ground and go LOST model
ThinkThankThunk @jybuell or oh-I-see-what-we're-trying-to-do-now-model-it-will-just-work-now model
ThinkThankThunk or we-weren't-trying-before-we-will-now model
ThinkThankThunk @jybuell I'm trying really hard not to write a post about that article
dcox21 @ThinkThankThunk Race you.
calcdave So...what'd I miss?
jybuell Has Twitter taken off my status update chains yet?
jybuell Hit the twitter update status limit yesterday. Blocked for about 12 hours. Worse thing ever.
jybuell Worse than Twitter being down. I could see everything but not interact. I was like Patrick Swayze in Ghost.
thenerdyteacher @jybuell - Ha! Great comparison. That is too funny.
jybuell @thenerdyteacher Next time you can be my Whoopi Goldberg. I'll email you everything I want to tweet.
mdsteele47 I'd like to formally deny the rumors that I'll be making a guest appearance on @GLEETV season 2, just to set the record straight.
mctownsley @dcox21 no. my personal philosophy is that FA can't be done w/o a change in grading philosophy. what do you think?
dcox21 @mctownsley I think they're like chocolate and peanut butter: fine by themselves but when put in your mouth.
k8nowak I am beyond dead weight on my Nerd Trivia team. I don't know whether to be happy or sad.
ThinkThankThunk @k8nowak There are Nerd Trivia teams? Can I join? I know A LOT about star wars
k8nowak @ThinkThankThunk How soon can you get to Brooklyn?
k8nowak @ThinkThankThunk @dcox21 my only contribution: the princess who learned about Turing machines on the way to meet the coyote king.
jybuell @k8nowak @thinkthankthunk @dcox21 I am incredibly jealous right now. U need to tweet all the questions
jybuell @k8nowak @thinkthankthunk @dcox21 @schwa044 it's agreed then. Nerd Twitter trivia and Kate is nerd Trebek. I am nerd Sean Connery.
ThinkThankThunk @jybuell @k8nowak @dcox21 @schwa044 I'm in.
jybuell @ThinkThankThunk @k8nowak @dcox21 @schwa044 u can be nerd Burt Reynolds
sarcasymptote @k8nowak where did this take place? it seems a bit more prestigious than trivia at the hipster bowling alley.
k8nowak @sarcasymptote the Royal Oak? We won. I got 3 pairs of socks, a box of nerds, and a slice of peach pie. Dinner AND socks.
sarcasymptote @k8nowak congrats! i didnt know they did trivia there. my only experiences there are awkward dance parties where everyone looks fifteen.
schwa044 @sarcasymptote are there other kinds of dance parties?
schwa044 @sarcasymptote are there other kinds of dance parties?
k8nowak @jybuell @thinkthankthunk @dcox21 @schwa044 you are all on my nerd trivia dream team.
JamiDanielle @jybuell I'll take the penis mightier than the sword for $200.@dcox21 @k8nowak @thinkthankthunk @schwa44
jybuell @JamiDanielle suck it trebek!
park_star @jybuell @k8nowak @thinkthankthunk @dcox21 @schwa044 I'm way terrible at nerd trivia, but am an excellent cheerleader
jybuell @park_star I don't think you're supposed to be cheerleading or riding rollercoasters. Something like that.
jybuell @park_star my wife indoor rock climbed til about 6 months. There's a special full body harness
park_star @jybuell ok so your wife is a little nuts ;) but I'm obv in the clear for cheering on star wars trivia.
dcox21 @JamiDanielle @jybuell @k8nowak @thinkthankthunk @schwa44 Was that supposed to be "pen is?"
sarcasymptote on my way to work, saw cops picking up a dead body in the park. on my way home, streets closed bc of bomb scare at the library. go brooklyn!
toojiggy I wonder if we dumped a bunch of Sham Wow's in the Gulf would it be enuf to soak up the oil spill? Too soon, huh? My bad.
jybuell @samjshah You should get a referral fee from twitter with all the new folks you've been signing up.
samjshah @jybuell yes, you should suggest that to the twitter overlords.
dcox21 @samjshah why don't you stay a while? We're gonna need a calc teacher soon.
jybuell @samjshah agree w David. How about Bay Area? Meyer, Greene, Sue, Avery. We lack quantity but make up for it w quality
dcox21 @jybuell @samjshah Nah, I was thinking central valley. We've got... well @k8nowak used to live here.
dcox21 @jybuell @samjshah Sister in law lives in SF. Don't think I could afford to live up there. May have to sell a few of the boys.
jybuell @dcox21 @samjshah besides, Dan is like one more viral vid away from getting to start his own school.
schwa044 @dcox21 @jybuell @samjshah I wanna come! I wanna come! Alright let's be real I really just want a job.
dnielsenmoore Please tune in to my hour-long special this evening where I will announce what I'm having for dinner.
samjshah @jybuell @dcox i wake up to all your tweets from last night! too funny! and @dcox21, some of your boys are sellable? they sound EXPENDABLE.
dcox21 @samjshah @jybuell Choices. Bay Area or children? Not so hard after you pay $20 for parking a couple of times.
jybuell re: teacher run school. We're starting one this yr in my district. Interesting, but I would prefer to work w good admin
dcox21 @jybuell Thats gonna be Lord of the Flies
jybuell @dcox21 Exactly. They're already setting up separate camps and raiding parties.
jybuell @dcox21 as much as I like myself, it would be awful being in a school with all Ts like me.
jybuell @dcox21 Bunch of alpha control freaks who know their own way is best
schwa044 @jybuell @dcox21 When will they have time for all that admin stuff.
jybuell @schwa044 Actual quote "Since we pick all the Ts, we won't be dealing w discpline that much" Right..That's how that works.
schwa044 @jybuell well yea kids will magically be awesome.
jybuell @schwa044 they didn't cover that in your ed program? That's how it always works.
schwa044 @jybuell amazing!
schwa044 think i finished my conference piece nervous it sounds "knowitall"y
sarcasymptote @schwa044 its a curse you have to live with, if you really do know it all.
schwa044 @sarcasymptote dude and if you do know it all who really cares what anyone else thinks?
sarcasymptote @schwa044 how did you get that so quickly? none of my coworkers have picked up on that yet. especially not admin. geesh.
jybuell Creating a department logo for intranet page. With Powerpoint. Using a screenshot. Somewhere in CA, @ddmeyer just cried out in pain.
dcox21 @jybuell @ddmeyer Be sure to use Comic Sans.
ddmeyer @dcox21 @jybuell Make it stop.
dcox21 @ddmeyer @jybuell Trying to find a way to make all my tweets directed at you show up in comic sans. No luck.
ddmeyer @dcox21 Turns out there is a God. And He loves me.
jybuell @ddmeyer @dcox21 changing to a flashing animated gif. With sound.
schwa044 @ddmeyer @dcox21 @jybuell How comic sans feels about you...
sarcasymptote @jybuell @ddmeyer @dcox21 the sound has to be a midi file though
dcox21 @sarcasymptote @jybuell @ddmeyer And text. Use lots of text. People like to read their flashing gif's with sounds.
dcox21 @ddmeyer I think the first translation on the Vulgate into English used comic sans. #godlovescomicsans
Yay! Thanks for helping me catch up some from the honeymoon.
ReplyDeletesome of this stuff is FUNNY! I can't believe I missed that ridiculously long conversation about unicorns.
(side note: I also can't believe I made the list, considering my twitter absence lately)